ACOME Group launch 60 fibre PIA Approved overhead ULW cable for the UK.

Telecom networks and FTTH
Friday 11 March 2022
ACOME Group has expanded its range of ULW PIA approved 7mm overhead cables to include 60 optical fibres with its UND1344 cable range.

PIA- An Openreach product that allows Communications Providers access to their poles and ducts

The standard PIA * approved UND1344 range, up to 48 fibres, utilising 12 fibre modularity compact tube technology, is already widely adopted for the FTTH roll-out in the UK.

By upgrading its range with a PIA approved ULW 60 fibre cable, ACOME Group brings innovation to the market


PIA approved

This innovation meets the need to reach more premises, faster, with less cables to install.

Now PIA approved, this new cable can be installed on Openreach's pole infrastructure network, bringing further flexibility to network builders.

The new 60 fibre ULW cable was developed in Normandy, just hours from London, where the group has a production capacity of 10 million of kilometres of optical fibres.

Being a recent player in the UK, with a London office since 2020, ACOME Group initially launched with standard cable offers for the UK Market.

With this new product release, ACOME Group demonstrates its innovative mindset to support telecom operators to decrease the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of their network, to build long lasting and interoperable networks, and to decrease the environmental footprint of their infrastructure.


* Physical Infrastructure Access


For more information, contact the UK  Sales Managers :

Southern England                                Northern England & Wales                               Scotland & Northern Ireland

Lee SPICER                                           Stephen HOUGH                                                  Christophe BOUCHET                    


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Telecom networks and FTTH
ACOME Group launches an innovative service that improves the logistical, economic and ecological performance of your cable deployments.
Telecom networks and FTTH
This distinction highlights the excellence of our products and our ability to create benefits for our customers.
Telecom networks and FTTH
The integration of LYNDDAHL Telecom into ACOME Group’s portfolio means that it can now offer a complete end-to-end FTTH offering for the European market.